Unique BlackBerry Curve 8300 Themes

September 4th, 2007

Finding BlackBerry Curve 8300 Themes

In searching for themes for BlackBerry Curve 8300, I noticed that a couple of popular themes such as “Iced Cubes” and “Fenced In” curve themes cost a little money actually. While I think developers should be compensated for their time and creativity, I started wondering how big the market is for custom BlackBerry Curve 8300 themes, especially when there are plenty of free curve themes on the internet as listed below, for example.

Installing BlackBerry Curve 8300 Themes

Before we give you the download links for a couple of BlackBerry Curve themes, let’s first tell you how to install and change themes on blackberry curve. Essentially there are two ways you can download themes to your Blackberry.

One is to use RIM Desktop Manager. You connect your Blackberry 8300 device to your computer via an USB data cable, which normally comes with your BlackBerry package when you first bought it. The curve themes will usually be in a downloaded zip package where there is at least one alx file for the theme. You open the Application Loader from RIM Desktop Manager and locate the folder where you unzipped your theme files (including a couple of cod and alx files). Right there you can load/install the selected theme on your blackberry.

The other is to use over the air (i.e. OTA) download. This requires you to have a data plan with your blackberry curve. Wireless carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, Alltel & Sprint usually provides you with unlimited blackberry data plan for a monthly fee in the range of $19 to $29. For this method, a theme developer will give out a download url for the theme.

Once you have your new Curve themes on your BlackBerry, you can go to Options menu, then scroll to the bottom to highlight Theme. Once clicked via track wheel, you will see a list of all available themes on your Blackberry curve, you select the new theme and select ‘Activate’ from the drop down menu.

By the way, since the BlackBerry Curve 8300 runs on RIM OS v4.2, it does not require the Plazmic theme reader on device to install new themes. Proceed to the next page for some free themes.

Downloading BlackBerry Curve 8300 Themes

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Entry Filed under: BlackBerry Themes

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