Some BlackBerry 8830 Themes For You

August 20th, 2007

The BlackBerry 8830 World Edition is a CDMA blackberry smart phone that roams on worldwide GSM/EDGE network. It has been quite successful in the marketplace. Apparently a lot of business professionals are using it and they are looking for more professionally appealing BlackBerry themes. if/when they want to get new BlackBerry 8830 themes. On the other hand, the BlackBerry 8300 (a.k.a Curve) was released and sold by AT&T, T-Mobile and Rogers Wireless a short two months ago, right around when iPhone was all the buzz. Now there are actually BlackBerry Curve themes that will make your BlackBerry icons look like iPhone icons. You can get these themes by paying a small fee, generally a couple of dollars.

Blackberry Theme iPhone Black
One of those places is, where you can pay $7 to get an so-called iBerry theme for your 8300 smartphone that will make its homepage appear like an iphone as shown in the image above. While at the site, you may also want to browse around forums and FAQ section, they provide some really good information there. Or you can download the BlackBerry 8830 iphone theme at the next page.

If custom themes are not your thing, you may still want to give your BlackBerry curve some personality by downloading and installing some ringtones from various website. used to sell a download package of midi and polyphonic BlackBerry ringtones back in 2005. But I couldn’t find it anymore. However, since the BlackBerry Curve supports real mp3 as ringtones. It should be pretty easy for you to make your own mp3 Blackberry 8300 ringtones and install it on your phone.

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Entry Filed under: BlackBerry Themes

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