BlackBerry Pearl Themes Primer
August 12th, 2007
It looks like the BlackBerry Pearl (also known as BlackBerry 8100) has taken off with mobile consumers around the worlds. If you are like me, you would want to change the default themes on your BlackBerry Pearl smartphone to add some personality. Go straight to Pearl theme download page if you are impatient.
Where To Find BlackBerry Pearl Themes
There are a number of places where you can get themes for your Pearl. Some of them are free themes, some of them are for a fee.
Many individual BlackBerry owners are technically savvy enough to create themes for their own devices and then share these themes freely with others. One such individual is Keith Radest who offers some nice blackberry themes on his blog at I found that his Wii theme for Pearl, smoothie 8100 theme and tux theme are quite impressive. You may want to check them out on this site.
You can also try out some of the Pearl themes on, which requires you to donate $3 to $5 to buy their blackberry themes. You may find their pink icon theme for Pearl or black and white icon theme for Pearl suit your taste.
How To Install Themes To Your BlackBerry Pearl
Usually once you found the themes for your Pearl, you need to download them to a folder on your desktop. You can then use the BlackBerry Desktop Manager to load the themes to your BlackBerry device. Normally what you need to do is to launch apploader.exe from the BlackBerry Desktop Manager installation directory while your BlackBerry is connected to desktop via a USB cable. Once you installed the new themes you will need to reboot the Pearl. After the device is back, you can set the new theme to be your current theme.
If you have a micro-sd card in your BlackBerry Pearl, you can just connect the device with USB and drag-drop theme files to the microsd card. By the way, if you are wondering why you don’t see mentioning of BlackBerry 8100 themes in the post, it is because they are the same as Pearl themes.
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