4info.net Mobile Search

March 24th, 2005

4info.net stepped into the emerging field of local search on your cell phonewith a recent VC funding of about $8 million.

Similar to Google (sms.google.com), it uses premium SMS code to allow users to send queries from their cell phone. Types of quesries allowed inlcude local directory (pizza 10012), weather (nyc weather), sports scores (lakers score), stock price (msft), flight updates (ual jfk sfo) and movie times (movie new york). The good part about this SMS service is that you don’t need a fancy phone to use it. More services like this is surely going to increase the usage of SMS messages, which is already an estimated $2 billion market (roughly 50 billion SMS will be sent this year in the US).

Yahoo! mobile uses different the multiple-channel approach. Namely they do allow WAP, HTML interface for user queries.

By the way, Eric Thauvin has a nice J2ME app that interface Google’s SMS searh, called GooglMe. Anyone interested in developing an Info2Me that interface with 4info?

Entry Filed under: Technology

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